Our Fees
Our full days fees are:
7.30am - 5.30pm - £82 per day, under 2 years old. £80 per day, 2-3 years, over 3 years old £80 per day (Cardiff/RCT Childcare Offer available). This daily fee incorporates charges for breakfast, two course lunch, high teas and desserts, healthy snacks. Nappies are provided for under 2 years and parents to provide over 2 years old. Excludes infant formula. We offer a 5% discount to our main core childcare sessions to the eldest sibling under 3 years. Once children become eligible (3 years) under the childcare offer, the 5% discount to siblings will no longer be provided. We require a minimum of two full days at the nursery.
Our sessional fees are:
7.30pm - 1pm - £65 per morning session only, a minimum of two sessions must apply. If you are eligible for the Cardiff Cardiff Council 17.5/30 and RCT funded hours of 15/30 hours funded provision, your monthly fees will be invoiced on a bespoke basis net of funding. The nursery requires a minimum of 2 full days when reserving a place with us.
Wraparound Care:
Creigiau Primary school - Not available from July 2025.